I found the simplest thing difficult to do, l couldn't concentrate on anything. I have depression, which l mostly keep under control but that went haywire too.
Sleep..not good at the best of times..very difficult! I wanted to be strong for Tony and the children but didn't know how to be..very strange situation for me, to find myself in. Tony slept a lot and when he was awake, was often bad tempered and frustrated. He had retired a few weeks before and this was NOT what he had expected.
Also, to make matters worse, we had problems with the NHS. We had to go to PALS (patients help line really l suppose) in the end to get to see anyone about presribed, remedial treatment for Tony. All VERY taxing and totally unacceptable in my view. To put so much stress on a Heart patient is just so wrong, in fact any seriously ill patient and their family!
Eventually things were sorted out and Tony started back on the road to recovery..there lies another problem for me! He wanted to ride his bike...NO WAY! How would l know where he was, if he need help? I seemed to have forgotten the use of the mobile phone etc! I wouldn't go out shopping in case he had an attack while l was out..wouldn't go and see people for coffee or start work again..in case he needed me!!!
I had to find a way round my fears and start to let Tony live and restart my life! Not easy. We are managing it now. We know that the sleeps Tony has every afternoon will not be forever and as he gets stronger through biking and walking, his moods will improve. The important thing l, as the viewer, have to learn is this. Tony is now funtioning well and he has to exercise...moderately...to get fit again. The problem is what does moderately mean to a man, who, was taught in the Army to work till you drop and then push through it? We are getting there but it is not easy fot the partner, wife, parent or children of someone who is very ill. You are not ill but their illness affects you greatly and in some ways more than the person who is ill!
The image below is Tony now..in the pub garden, enjoying a pint (shandy), rather than red wine, as it was so hot..and, as usual, on his iPhone!!
lynda x
1 comment:
thanks for visiting my blog, first of all. as a result, i came snooping around to see what you were up to!!! this is such a great and courageous post you wrote. i understand what you have gone through with the fear.... mines different but it helps me understand what its like for you. 20 years ago my first husband died... at first i didn't want a pet or houseplants because they might die! i have relaxed quite a bit since then. but that knowledge of the closeness of death has not left me... i just learned to live with it and use it to live each day the best i can. but that fear was immobikizing at first...just like yours...the constant vigilance is exhausting. glad you are moving through it !
i really like this idea for a blog.... thanks for doing it!
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