Sunday 26 August 2007

Question: Is this self harming? I am having a discussion with another counsellor/therapist who thinks it is. I tend to think of it, as showing your individuality, wanting to be different. O.k...sometimes it goes deeper than just decoration and into more complex issues but on a day to day basis is also Art and / or Fashion!
Can l have some feed back on this...if anyone is reading this?


Harpreet Kaur said...

It is a personal feeling for most of us. To me, it is interesting to watch and see them. Makes me wonder most of the time-- what must be going in their brain. I am sure it is a big group and each one is there and having this for a different reason-- fashion, rebel, peer pressure etc etc...

It might be a way of announcing that 'we are different than normal and bolder'...hhmmnnn interesting behavioural pattern.

How much are we born with certain behavioral style and how much we adapt on to... is the question. Do we really know ourselves??

Lynda Howells said...

I don't think any of us really know are selves..we just think we do!!!

fearoftears said...

for me it was a rebellious thing to do but could also come under the heading of self harm. Anyway you look at it it is self expression is art in its own right.